Working Papers:
Equity Flows in Uncertain Times: the Role of Heterogeneous Information (with Francesco Beraldi and Chenping Yang) [Draft] [Submitted]
Presented at Italian Econometric Association and Bank of Italy (Side WEEE 2024), University of Naples PhD Workshop 2024, Boston College Macro Lunch 2024, Sveriges Riksbank Internal Seminar 2024, University of Turin Internal Seminar 2024.
We study the role of information heterogeneity in determining capital flows during the global financial cycle. When global uncertainty increases, investors retrench toward their home country and the United States. We build a model of portfolio choice and information acquisition with varying learning costs across countries. Our model replicates the global financial cycle’s stylized facts and has new predictions for forecasting accuracy, which we test using micro forecast data. Domestic forecasters better predict their own country’s economic outcomes, especially with increased global uncertainty. However, the US is an exception, where domestic forecasters do not outperform foreign institutions.
Presented at the Spring 2023 GLMM BC-BU, at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, at the IEA, at the Midwest Macro Meeting (Fall 2023) and at the Econometric Society Conference (Fall 2023).
Managers face continuous pressure to meet short-term forecasts and targets, which can potentially impact firms' investments in customer capital and pricing decisions. Using data on U.S. public companies together with IBES analysts' forecasts, we find that firms that just meet analysts' profit forecasts have an average markup growth of 0.8% higher than firms that just miss targets, suggesting opportunistic markup manipulation. To assess the aggregate economic implications of short-termism, we develop and estimate a quantitative firm-heterogeneity model that incorporates short-term frictions and endogenous markups resulting from customer accumulation. In the model, short-termism arises optimally to offset manager's private incentives, resulting in higher markups and lower customer capital stock. We find that, on average, firms increase markups by 8% due to short-termism, generating $38 millions of additional annual profits. At the macro level, the distortion reduces consumers' welfare by 4% and lowers the annual total market capitalization by $3.1 trillions on average.
Work In Progress:
Importer Pass-Through to Domestic Price: Upstream vs Downstream (with Mathias Klein)
Rigidity and Default in Production Networks (with Giacomo Como, Luca Damonte, Fabio Fagnani, Elisa Luciano, Alessandro Milazzo, Marco Scarsini)
Brown vs Green Firms in Production Networks (with Giacomo Como, Luca Damonte, Fabio Fagnani, Elisa Luciano, Alessandro Milazzo, Marco Scarsini)
Bank Risk Taking under Secular Stagnation (with J. Christina Wang)
Inflation Is Conflict: Wage Pass-Through and the Central Bank Dominance (with Michele Boldrin)
Resting Projects:
Importer's Dynamics and Buyer Market Power (with Marco Errico and Luigi Pollio)